Whacked out cheesy version of Dragon Armor. C. Fixx wound up doing a much better job and this never saw the light of day. Until now that is, and don't you feel special?! Oh yeah, the specialness is flowing.
A concept of how the stairs would retract in Mithral Hall. This idea was going to be used in one of the Forgotten Realms books. I don't know if it ever did though.
I think I have the hang of this now. I'm going to start by displaying the work that I did for the video game "Demon Stone" while working at Stormfront Studios. This is a concept for a window obviously. I found an image of a gothic window that looked kinda like a skull and just pushed it further.
Alright now, don't make fun of me. This is my very first post and I have absolutely no clue as to what I am doing. So I'm just going to throw this out here and see WTF happens.